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Google Pixel - Best Phones Forever

"Spa Day"

"Razzle Dazzle"

"Scary Story"

"Snow Phones"

"Thank You For Being a Friend" - Year-in-review extravaganza

What happens when two phones stop being rivals, and start being best friends?

An ongoing series in the world's friendliest competitive campaign, Best Phones Forever has become Google's most successful social campaign ever*. After 3 seasons and 16 episodes of content, BPF has sprawled from its roots across social channels into DOOH, cinema ads, and broadcast on Monday Night Football.

Full YouTube playlist

Role: Editor, creative direction, script development, storyboarding, 2D animation, rough 3D animation, character voice & singing engineer

3D design, rendering, matte painting, color, and conform services lovingly povided by The Mill

*Oh, you want some of those sweet sweet marketing metrics??
  • 530M+ views
  • 5.9M+ engagements
  • 191% search lift
  • holds the top 3 TikTok videos by any Google channel, ever